Who we are: St. Andrew's is a middle-sized church located along the border between East Allentown and West Bethlehem.
We believe: in following the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ, especially through the serving of others in our community. We are a diverse congregation who are active in outreach.
We are a welcoming church: you are invited to visit us for worship on Sunday mornings and to stay for coffee hour after the service.
All baptized Christians are encouraged to receive the sacraments during Holy Eucharist.
2024 Vestry: Donna Barnum (clerk), Eddie Boskett (Junior Warden), Muriel Corcoran, Rick Daugherty, David Hoag, Sharon Lowe (Senior Warden), Mary Lou Malone, Bob Tench, and Fred Walter
A Prayer for Guidance for St. Andrew's Church
We thank you, O Lord,
for your presence in our lives and ask for the continued guidance of your Holy Spirit to strengthen our witness to the Good News.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
1900 Pennsylvania Ave.
Allentown, PA 18109-3187
The Rev. Dr. Gerard Gaeta OblSB
St. Andrew's office
hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
9AM to 1PM
Email: saec@ptd.net
10:30 AM on Sundays
Masks optional and CDC
recommendations followed.
Ministers of the Parish
The Rt. Rev. Kevin Nichols
The Rev. Dr. Gerard Gaeta OblSB
Supply Priest
Apply for this Position!
Parish Administrator
Sandra Evans
Organist/ Choir Director
Mark Shipman
Finance Committee Chair
Visit St. Andrew's Facebook page.