Questions about Pledges

Why is pledging important? Annual pledges support everything St. Andrew’s does- they are an important part of the practice of generosity and stewardship that undergirds our parish life. Our yearly budget is driven by the generosity of our parishioners through annual pledges. These pledges support the operating costs of our ministry programs, as well as our staff, including expenses such as buildings and grounds, worship, educational materials, and outreach.


How much should I give with an annual pledge?

We believe strongly each parishioner should consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on his or her financial situation. The tithe is the Biblical standard of giving. Episcopalians work toward giving the Biblical tithe of 10%. For most of us, increasing our pledge in annual steps is a responsible way to work toward that goal.


How can I make my annual pledge? We accept cash (when included in a pledge envelope so that it can be appropriately credited to your pledge) and checks. Pledge envelopes are provided upon request for convenience, but are not essential if you are writing a check (simply mark 2017 pledge in the memo line).


Can I pay in installments? How can I keep track of how much I’ve given? Returning your pledge card is simply a promise to pay. You may fulfill your pledge in as many payments as you wish throughout the year. You will receive quarterly reminders about your payments and a year-end statement regarding  your charitable donation for tax purposes.


What happens if I make a pledge and can’t sustain it? We understand that life happens. If you are unable to keep up with your pledge, please let the treasurer or the church office know.


I’m not sure what I can afford this year. How can I pledge? A pledge can be adjusted at any point during the year if your circumstances change. We suggest that you pledge responsibly, based on your best estimate of the year’s income. A pledge can be increased or decreased, if your circumstances change.


When should I return my pledge card? We ask everyone to make a pledge by November 30, either by bringing a pledge card to church on that day, or by mailing it. Pledging at that time is important, because we use total pledge amounts to help establish our ministry budget for the coming year. Nevertheless, pledges are welcome throughout the year.


De we get audited? The national Episcopal Church has a very strict protocol concerning yearly audits. The audits are received by the vestry and forwarded to the Bishop. Rest assured, we have internal controls regarding the receiving and dispersing of funds and do a yearly financial review.


Stewardship is not only about money. There are many ways to be involved in the ministries of St. Andrew’s. In our congregation, we depend on the generosity of everyone’s time and talents to assist in our ministries.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

1900 Pennsylvania Ave.

Allentown, PA 18109-3187


The Rev. Dr. Gerard Gaeta OblSB


St. Andrew's office


hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

9AM to 1PM



10:30 AM on Sundays

Masks optional and CDC

recommendations followed.

Ministers of the Parish


The Rt. Rev. Kevin Nichols



The Rev. Dr. Gerard Gaeta OblSB

Supply Priest 



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Parish Administrator


Sandra Evans

Organist/ Choir Director


Mark Shipman

Finance Committee Chair

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