Putting our faith into action

What is systemic racism? It is the policies and practices that foster the disparity in health care, education, living wages, affordable housing, even access to healthy food (read about “food deserts”). 


Why racial justice? Black people are disprportionately arrested; juries find Black people guilty disproportionately; judges give Black people disproportionately longer sentences.


We are all God's beloved children. We can no longer sit in silence while our brothers and sisters suffer.

What can I do?

  1. Educate yourself. Our school history books did not present the reality of the meaning and devastation of chattel slavery, the fallacy of race, and the many contributions that Blacks contributed to our national life. Request books from your local library. Here’s a great reading list.
  2. What is it like to be Black in Bethlehem, PA? Listen to these oral histories compiled by M. Rayah Levy, Bethlehem Area Public Library.  
  3. Call out bigotry. Loudly. Have the difficult conversations with your family, friends and neighbors. Again, call out bigotry. Loudly.
  4. Find opportunities to learn more and work with local groups dedicated to eliminating racial policies.
  5. VOTE! Support candidates who are righting the wrongs of our history. Black History is Our History.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

1900 Pennsylvania Ave.

Allentown, PA 18109-3187


The Rev. Dr. Gerard Gaeta OblSB



St. Andrew's office


hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

9AM to 1PM

Email: saec@ptd.net


10:30 AM on Sundays

Masks optional and CDC

recommendations followed.

Ministers of the Parish


The Rt. Rev. Kevin Nichols



The Rev. Dr. Gerard Gaeta OblSB

Supply Priest 



Apply for this Position! 

Parish Administrator


Sandra Evans

Organist/ Choir Director


Mark Shipman

Finance Committee Chair

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